Berks and South Bucks ASA Contacts

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Berks & South Bucks County Offices of the Association

Hon President
Mr James Glazebrook
Chalfont Otters SC
Hon Secretary
Mr Roger Penfold MBE
Reading SC
Hon Treasurer
Mr Jonathan Mills
Tilehurst SC
Vice President
Mr Peter Roycroft
Amersham SC

(A member of the Management Board represents the County. The inclusion of a Club name below
is for convenient identification only. However when vacancies exist the Management Board
has encouraged at least one representative from each of the larger Clubs to volunteer).

The Officers of the Association, Vice President and members of the management board are elected at the Annual Council Meeting, held in July.

There may be up to 12 members of the management board (in addition to the officers and Vice President).

Peter Button
Chalfont Otters SC
Mrs Diane Cryer
Reading SC
Stuart Fillingham
Bracknell & Wokingham SC
Jennifer Gray
Reading Royals Artistic Swimming Club
Janet Hopkins
Newbury District SC
Paul Lloyd
Maidenhead SC
Robert Odell
Amersham SC
Roger Prior
Slough Dolphin SC
Simon Redlich
Chesham SC
Emma West
Albatross DC


The managers of sub-groups are appointed by the Management Board:

Assistant Hon Secretary
Disability Swimming Contact
Mr Roger Prior
Slough Dolphins SC
Public Relations Officer
Swimming Events Manager
Mr James Glazebrook
Chalfont Otters
Artistic Swimming Manager
Mr Robert Blinkhorn
Reading Royals SSC
Masters Manager
Mr Robert Odell
Amersham SC
Swimming Officials' Training Coordinator
Mr Chris Hirst
Wycombe SC
Trophies Secretary
Mr Greg du Tertre
Contact webmaster
Wycombe District SC
Water Polo Manager
Mr Roger Penfold
enquiries via County
Diving Manager
Emma West
Albatross Diving Club
Open Water Manager
to be appointed
Swimming Development Manager
to be appointed
County Welfare Officer
Roger Penfold, MBE

Note: for enquiries about competitions, in the first instance please contact the organisers listed on the entry forms and meet packs, before the Secretaries.

For the County competitions the details are:

County Swimming Championships:
County Swimming Development Meet:

County ASA Webmaster

The county webmaster may be contacted as:

Mr Jonathan Mills

Life Members of the County

Life members are elected by the County Executive on payment of the appropriate fee.

J N C Banks
Mrs S Harrison
J P Sapey
D E Parker
Mrs M M Parker
Mrs B Prescott
Miss K Rose
J Smith
Mrs K Turrell
C Lowe

Recipients of the President's Plate

The "Jubilee Plate" was donated by the 1971 President, Mr D I A Lewis, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the County Anniversary - "to be awarded annually at the sole discretion of the County President for 'Service to the County'".

1971: F E Lambert
1972: Mrs K Sage
1973: H H V Wilkinson
1974: Mr & Mrs F E Lambert
1975: Mrs M Wilkinson
1976: Mrs G Burt
1977: P Burt
1978: Mrs B Holland
1979: Mrs L Harrison
1980: D E Parker
1981: Miss J Admans
1982: Reading Swimming Club
1983: Mr & Mrs T C Chambers
1984: G W Andre
1985: Mrs M Wilkinson
1986: F E Lambert
1987: W H Sapey
1988: J P Sapey
1989: E D Bowditch
1990: Mrs C Thomas
1991: Mrs R Gallop
1992: L T Lindell
1993: J W Jeffery
1994: Mrs E Adams
1995: R F Penfold
1996: Mr & Mrs D Coker
1997: Mrs L Tilson
1998: Mrs S M Harrison
1999: E J Lyne
2000: R G Prior
2001: M A Proudfoot
2002: Mrs P Jack
2003: Mrs E Waddy
2004: Mrs J Hulbert
2005: R Pay
2006: P Tanner
2007: Mrs E M & Mr K H Adams
2008: R F Penfold
2009: R Moore
2010: Mrs B Prescott
2011: no award
2012: Mrs J Brown
2013: J Mills
2014: Mrs J Scarrott
2015: S Fillingham
2018: R Moore/S Fillingham
2019: Mrs S Green
2020: R Moore/S Fillingham
2021: Mr R Odell
2022: R F Penfold
2023: Mrs R Large
2024: G Emerson