Berks & South Bucks ASA

County Speed Swimming Championships 2025


The Berks & South Bucks ASA held is holding the County Speed Swimming Championships over two weekends between the dates of 11/12th January and 25/26th January 2025.

The championships took place are to take place at the Wycombe Leisure Centre Pool, near junction 4 of the M40.

The meet wasis licensed Level 1, and wasis open to swimmers of clubs affiliated to Berks and South Bucks ASA and who meet the published consideration times.

Dates Saturday, 11th January 2025
Sunday, 12th January 2025 and
Saturday, 25th January 2025
Sunday, 26th January 2025
Venue Wycombe Leisure Centre 50m pool
Licensed Level 1 License numbers:
1SE250018 (11/12th January)
1SE250019 (25/26th January)
Ages 10/11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17&over on 31/12/2025
Entries Entries closed midnight on Friday, 20th December 2024.

Please read the Promoter's Conditions, Consideration Times, Entry Procedure and Event Schedule for full details.

Entries to the meet are now closed. Further information will be posted here as it becomes available.
Entries to the meet are now closed. Further information will be posted here soon.

All swims were accepted. There have been no rejections.

Accepted Swims

The list of accepted swims (Note: this is a BIG 595 page document - do not print it all) is available.

Please note the updated session times in this report. Alternatively, you can look at this list, which allows you to filter by club and/or session.


If you need to withdraw from the meet after the closing date, you do NOT need to inform the meet organisers. You do need to inform your club's team managers/coaches.

Programme of events

We will not be selling programmes at the door for the champioships. The programmes will be available for downloading.

Information for Competitors

Parents and swimmers should read the Information for Competitors which also contains the confirmed session and warmup times for the Championships.

Session Times are confirmed as: (with the bold yellow times being the changed times).
Session Date Warm up Start
1 11th January 08:30 09:15
2 13:00 14:05
3 16:45 17:30
4 12th January 08:30 09:05
5 12:00 13:05
6 16:15 17:00
7 25th January 08:30 09:15
8 12:30 13:35
9 16:30 17:15
10 26th January 08:30 09:05
11 12:10 13:15
12 16:30 17.15

Information for Coaches and Team Managers

Coaches should consult the Information for Coaches and Team Managers document.

Information for Volunteers

The meet is entirely staffed by volunteers. In order for the 550 swimmers to swim their 3,000 races and 250 team relays over 12 sessions held in 4 separate days, the organisers have to fill about 550 job roles!

That's not counting the clubs' team managers and coaches.

About half these roles are drawn by asking the clubs to provide a few people to fill a role for a session, being a medal table, door monies, swimmer supervision and organisation for their races and so on.

(The other half are technical officials and the race results processing, which is are specialised roles. If you are interested in becoming part of the county meet team, do let us know).

The request for the volunteers' names etc. is made via the clubs, but here is the Information for Volunteers document.

Online Startlists and Results

The online start lists are available at; Results at, and Awards at You can scan the convenient QR codes with your phone camera to access the pages.
StartList QR code
Start Lists
Results QR code
Awards QR code


In addition to the online results above, there are paper printable results, including splits: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4.-->
(These can be large, so don't print them unintentionally)

Points standings, at the end of the championships.

HyTek format results

For clubs using Hytek, club representatives may request a SD3 file containing your club's results. Please ensure you include the name of club you are representing!

Technical Officials

Technical officials are invited to sign up with details of which sessions they are able to support.

If you are an official under training, please ensure you add in the notes section any particular training needs, eg IM, Relays, etc. Note that as the meet is Level 1 we are unable to offer JL2S mentoring or assessments except as outlined in the Swim England Training of Officials document.


In case of query, the County Championship organisers can be contacted at

You can see the results and details of the previous year's meet.

© Berks & South Bucks ASA 2008-2024