Data and cookie policy

This policy describes the policy for the Berks & South Buck ASA, when processing data relating to your privacy and personal and sensitive information,


We do not use cookies for tracking purposes. If you have access to an area of the site that requires you to logon, we may use private cookies for the purposes of maintaining your authorised and authenticated logged-in session. These cookies are not shared with other sites.


As an organisation we may collect data in the course of our legitimate business of a sub-region of the ASA.

We may collect data for the purposes of staging competitions that we organise. Details are set out in the meet conditions for those competitions.

We may collect data for the pertaining to running development camps or courses for swimmers, parents, officials, coaches and other volunteers who act on our behalf. We only collect data that is relevant to the needs of the specific event: For example we may collect health information as part of our duty of care on a residential course.

Data collected may be some of all of:

Why we process this information

We process this data as part of our legitimate business in coordinating the sport's interests in our region of Berkshire and South Buckinghamshire.

Sharing of Data

Relevant data may be shared with event organisers, who will process it in line with their policies. It is likely, for example, that the data will be loaded onto the computer to run the meet, and for the results of the competition will be shared with the ASA/BS Rankings data, the coaches within a club, and posted to the club website. For residential camps, team managers and chaperones will have information in order to discharge their responsibilities of duty of care to people in their charge.

This site does not share the unpublished data with other parties.

Data Storage and Retention.

The data may be stored in electronc or physical form, and is retained after for a period of time so the county can process enquiries, complaints, other administrative tasks for which there is a legitimate interest or legal requirement.

Data view

Inline with the data protection regulations you may request to see a copy of the data about you that are held on the online system. email to request this.

For other enquiries on this policy please contact

May, 2018